Obtains football game team box scores from the NCAA API.




the game_id of a given NCAA FB game from the NCAA API


a data frame with NCAA FB player box score data for the given game


# \donttest{
  ncaa_fb_box_score(game_id = 5931773)
#> # A tibble: 56 × 34
#>    player_name      rushing_att rushing_yds rushing_td rushing_long passing_comp
#>    <chr>                  <dbl>       <dbl>      <dbl>        <dbl>        <dbl>
#>  1 ""                         1          -1          0            0            0
#>  2 "A Mitchell"               0           0          0            0            0
#>  3 "B Bowers"                 1           1          0            1            0
#>  4 "B Branch"                 0           0          0            0            0
#>  5 "B Robinson jr."          16          55          0           15            0
#>  6 "B Young"                  3          40          1           15           26
#>  7 "C Harris"                 0           0          0            0            0
#>  8 "C Latu"                   0           0          0            0            0
#>  9 "C Smith"                  0           0          0            0            0
#> 10 "C Tindall"                0           0          0            0            0
#> # … with 46 more rows, and 28 more variables: passing_att <dbl>,
#> #   passing_int <dbl>, passing_yds <dbl>, passing_td <dbl>, passing_long <dbl>,
#> #   receiving_rec <dbl>, receiving_yds <dbl>, receiving_td <dbl>,
#> #   receiving_long <dbl>, no <dbl>, yds <dbl>, avg <dbl>, long <dbl>,
#> #   punt_return_no <dbl>, punt_return_yds <dbl>, punt_return_avg <dbl>,
#> #   punt_return_long <dbl>, kick_return_no <dbl>, kick_return_yds <dbl>,
#> #   kick_return_avg <dbl>, kick_return_long <dbl>, tot <dbl>, solo <dbl>, …
# }